12 Ways to Escape the Leadership Void Ahead (And Why It’s Important)

12 Ways to Escape the Leadership Void Ahead (And Why It’s Important)

If you look at the average age of today’s workforce, baby boomers are selecting their exit ramps, especially those in management and leadership positions.

This is equally as true in the church as it is in business—there’s a looming succession crisis in the church.

In the past, organizations have depended on natural work experience over time for leadership development. However, the workplace has changed.

Virtual and hybrid work, faster-than-ever technology developments, and generational differences all play into this leadership replacement challenge.

The church faces a unique hurdle because those who say they believe in nothing, known as Religious Nones, continue to grow, and those who profess to be Christians are on the decline.

The bench is getting smaller. So, what do you do?

Keep reading this article on CareyNieuwhof.com.

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