Influencer Marketing—Is This Another Game of Telephone?

by Caitlin Curry

Have you ever played the game of telephone?

To begin, participants line up in a row. The first person in the line comes up with a sentence and whispers it into the ear of the person next to them.

That person would then internalize what they heard, turn to the person next to them and whisper what they think they heard into the next person’s ear. The sentence travels from person to person—until the whispering ceases and the final person shares what was told to them.

The object of the game is essentially trust! You trust that the person whispering in your ear knows what they are talking about so much, so you are willing to pass that information on to your neighbor.

You might think it sounds a little outside of the box to pay someone not directly affiliated with your organization to talk about your products or cause on platforms such as Instagram or TikTok, but the truth is, influencer marketing is growing at an exponential rate! According to, influencer marketing is expected to hit an industry high of $16.4 billion this year.

So, what is an influencer?

Keep reading this article on Infinity Concepts.

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