3 Communication Mistakes Many Churches Make

by Mark MacDonald

Jesus shared the parable of the wise and foolish builders (Matthew and Luke) because we need to weigh the cost of what we’re building and start with the proper foundation.

The church today is scrambling to replicate communications from other churches. They see them spending money on something interesting, so they think they should do it too. Sometimes that works, however, if the proper foundation isn’t present, the components you’re building can prove to be costly.

Here are three mistakes many churches are making in the communication department:

1. Not building an audience

I was recently lamenting the amount of political TV commercials and calculating how much each network must profit from political funds. But the opportunity to air the commercials (and make a gazillion dollars) wouldn’t be present if they didn’t build an audience before the political season.

Keep reading this article on BiblicalLeadership.com.

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