5 Hidden Fears of Many Leaders

There are some hidden fears shared by many leaders. And those fears, if left to do as unanswered fear does in our life, can be dangerous.

As leaders, there’s a charade we can be tempted to play about how we are feeling. It’s as if there’s an unwritten rule we have to hide our true emotions. Falsely we can believe that if people knew what we were really feeling they may not respect us, may not follow us, and – just being candid – may not even like us.

Which, being unliked is a common hidden fear.

No denying, there is a high expectation for leaders to be excellent in their roles. I’m not trying to lump more pressure on leaders, but I believe many times, if we are honest about the pressures we face, about our own shortcomings, weaknesses and – even our fears, we would be better grounded to face them. We would also attract loyal followers who would be more willing to help fill in the gaps of our leadership.

Keep reading this article on Ron Edmondson.

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