Has Busyness Left You Empty?

Sad businessman sitting head in hands on the bed in the dark bedroom with low light environment, dramatic concept, vintage color tone

Busyness can make life barren.

Several years ago I took improv classes in downtown Chicago to help develop my right-brain skills. I left mid-day to miss the traffic and then catch up on my task list at a table at Chipolte.

One week, with my ear buds snug in my ears to block out noise, I focused on my “important” projects. I was busy, maybe too busy. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a dark haired 60-ish women sitting at the table to my left. As she held a courtesy cup I watched her use a spoon to crush a few lemon slices in water. What happened next surprised me.

Something prompted me to ask her if she had anything to eat. In broken English she said that she hadn’t eaten all day.

Keep reading this article on BiblicalLeadership.com.

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