5 Things to Remember When Seeking Small Group Leaders

How do you find a leader who is committed to teaching God’s Word, championing ministry, and reaching people in a small group?

No matter the size of your church or how experienced you are, you will always be in need of workers who will commit to teaching God’s Word, championing ministry, and reaching people in small groups. From preschool to adult classes, small groups require leaders who are committed to doing all three. It is a huge assignment to get the people you need. What do you need to do to find such workers? Here are five things to keep in mind.

1. Always be looking for workers

Look for workers at all levels and in all roles—adult leaders, kids leaders, nursery leaders, and everything in between. Larger and smaller churches both have needs to be met, and it’s always a struggle to fill every spot necessary with quality workers. I have never been at a church where the workers in a preschooler group were preschoolers, so it is essential that as a church we are seeking out workers at all times.

Keep reading this article on Lifeway Research.

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