3 Obstacles That May Be Holding You Back

Discover How to Overcome What’s Holding You Back

So, what is holding you back?

Elite runners regularly ask themselves this question. They watch endless videos to catch any movement that might be slowing them down. They seek out lighter running shoes and even sleep in oxygen tents to gain a tiny edge.

When I reflect on this question as a leader, I usually focus first on the external forces and obstacles that are holding me back. However, as Christian leaders we also need to discern the internal obstacles holding us back. And we need to find ways to “throw off anything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12:1).

The list of possibilities is long, so over the next three posts I will focus in on three internal obstacles that hold Christian leaders back: mindset, fatigue and blindspots and then provide practical tools to throw them off.

Keep reading this article on Christian Leadership Alliance.

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