I often remind church members that ministry takes place in three ways: 1) from the pulpit to the pew, 2) from the pew to the pew, and 3) from the pew to the pulpit.
Ministry takes place from the pulpit to the pews as the pastor shares a message that hopefully encourages and inspires those members sitting in the pews.
Ministry takes place from the pew to the pew as members express their love and concern for one another, sometimes called body life ministry.
And finally, ministry takes place from the pew to the pulpit as members find ways to encourage and serve their pastor.
It is easy to forget that ministers need ministry as well as members. Sometimes ministry can be hard and demanding, and yes, even at times, discouraging.
As ministers, we are generally more comfortable being on the giving end than on the receiving end.
Keep reading this article on BiblicalLeadership.com.