Set Free Partners with Infinity Concepts

EXPORT, PENNSYLVANIA – Infinity Concepts, a brand-communications agency in Export, Pennsylvania, announces its new client, Set Free, a U.S.-based ministry serving Africa and South Asia.

Since 2002, Set Free has provided more than two million people with access to clean water, rescued over 25,000 children from slavery, baptized millions, and planted thousands of churches.

Set Free’s multi-pronged approach combines practical ministry with gospel truth, with the goal of every person finding freedom in Christ. And all of this is driven by a commitment to partner with and support indigenous, on-the-ground ministry partners using sustainable measures and a lean and nimble staffing model.

Set Free began as Water for Life in 2002, when founder Roland Bergeron went on his first mission trip to Central America and learned that 800 million people on the planet do not have access to clean water.

With initial efforts in Costa Rica, Water for Life shifted its focus across the Atlantic to Africa and South Asia. Well drilling, employing local labor, and cooperating with church partners have brought potable water to small communities and remote villages in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and India.

And clean water has created channels for living water, stirring hearts to consider the claims of Jesus, leading to overflowing new churches.

As the clean water initiative expanded in India, Set Free partners became aware of the staggering incidence of child slavery. “We knew that we couldn’t tell people about the grace and love of Jesus, yet leave thousands of children enslaved,” Bergeron explained.

“The majority of the children we rescue are enslaved in slate mines. They are doing backbreaking work mining slate while living in horrendous conditions and surviving on meager meals.”

In 2011, Set Free Alliance, in partnership with Brookwood Church near Greenville, South Carolina, began to rescue, reunite and care for enslaved, vulnerable and orphaned children in India.

Indian partners of Set Free spurred the mobile medical clinic initiative in 2017. “Clean water was changing the daily lives of children and women, and they were filling the churches, but it was harder to reach men with the Gospel,” commented Bergeron. “By hosting medical clinics, we could serve every member of the community and start to have a bigger impression on the men in the villages—providing freedom through Christ for all.”

Slave owners began to locate and follow Water of Life drill crews, wishing to release these young people into the care of partnering churches. It became evident that Set Free Alliance and Water of Life should merge, so in 2019, the two organizations became Set Free.

“In everything we do, we believe we exist first and foremost to bring God’s love to people through a relationship with Jesus Christ,” said Bergeron. “Understanding that Christ’s love is what drives us, empowers us, and challenges us to care for others, we’re committed to sharing and showing His love in everything we do.”

“Infinity Concepts is proud to support the ministry of Set Free and partner with them for its thriving and continued impact,” said Darrell Law, Vice-President and Chief Growth Officer of Infinity Concepts. “The gospel is their work. Going to the least of these, setting them free from bondage, and helping them find freedom and hope in Jesus Christ—what higher calling is there? It’s our privilege to be a part of their God-honoring and life-transforming mission.”


To schedule an interview with Mark Dreistadt, Founder and President of Infinity Concepts, or Darrell Law, Vice-President and Chief Growth Officer, please contact Clem Boyd, Director of Public Relations at or call or text him at 724.930.4003.

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