5 Major Developments for Small Churches

The news is astounding.

Churches with fewer than 250 in average worship attendance account for 92 percent of all churches in the United States. At Church Answers, we call these congregations “standard churches” because they represent all but 8 percent of churches.

It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to discern what important trends and developments are taking place that have direct bearing on standard churches. Here are five major developments.

1. There will likely be a migration to neighborhood and rural churches.We are certainly aware that the greater majority of attendees are in larger churches. But we are also aware that the post-quarantine era introduced a greater desire not to commute as much, as well as not to travel as much for other activities. A number of people also moved to the quieter life of smaller towns and rural areas.

Keep reading this article on BiblicalLeadership.com.

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