5 Ways to Pray for Your Team

Prayer should be a part of every believer’s lifestyle. Prayer keeps you close to God and is like a direct line to Him.

Many leaders want to pray for their teams. They desire to see their team prosper, be successful, and grow.

Discovering how or what to pray for their team can be challenging. Today, I want to make it a little less difficult for you.

Keep reading to discover five ways to pray for the team you lead as a Christian leader.

1. Pray for wisdom:

The wisest man to ever live, King Solomon, could have prayed for wealth, fame, and more. Instead, King Solomon asked God to give him wisdom.

Pray that God increases the understanding of your people. That He opens their eyes and gives them insight beyond human comprehension.

The wiser your team, the more they’ll grow.

Keep reading this article on BiblicalLeadership.com.

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