4 Ways Rest Looks Different for Christians

Is rest something you find yourself craving? If so, you aren’t alone. The topic of rest comes up often when I meet with clients, regardless of the role or industry they are in. We all know we need rest because of the consequences we feel when we go too long without it. If we put on a machine mentality and push through our work without taking time to rest and rejuvenate, we will eventually see and feel the ill effects.

As our Creator, God knows we need rest as well. We can see that throughout Scripture. While God does not need rest in the same way our insufficient and imperfect minds and bodies do, he modeled rest after creating the world (Genesis 2:2-3). Following the same pattern, the Ten Commandments established resting on the Sabbath as a requirement of the Law.

Keep reading this article on BiblicalLeadership.com.

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