5 Unrealistic Expectations of a Healthy Team

There are some unrealistic expectations of serving on a healthy team. 

Over the past few years, I have worked with a number of churches to help them reposition and grow again. Each time I survey the staff and/or key leadership on the front end of my time with them. Some of the phrases used and feedback about the organization as a whole have captured my attention.

I believe some people have an almost “utopian”, but certainly unrealistic view of what it means to be a “healthy team”. When they aren’t understood people become disappointed in the organization when really nothing was done wrong by leadership or the organization.

I write a lot about healthy teams and I’ve even had the occasion a couple of times throughout my career to say I served and led one.

These are simply observations. And they are based on my own opinions, of course.

Keep reading this article on Ron Edmondson.

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