Creating a Sabbath Culture

Creating a Sabbath culture leads to transformation. When I joined InterVarsity, I was overwhelmed by the piety of my fellow staff. They prayed diligently, studied scripture fervently, and took solitude retreats regularly. But there was one area that was seriously amiss – an almost cavalier disregard of the Sabbath.

Without explicitly saying so, many seemed to believe that their efforts were so important that taking a day off would set the kingdom of God back. For those doing the Lord’s work, it appeared, the Fourth Commandment was at best optional, and at worst, a distraction.

But, as scripture teaches us, the Lord’s Day is not optional. By taking a day away from ministry, we remember that we are not mini-messiahs upon whom the world’s well-being depends. Rather, our non-productivity realigns us in right relation to God and others.

Keep reading this article on Christian Leadership Alliance.

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